Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Rar Jungle: A Visionary Artist from the Hawaiian Jungles
Deep in the lush jungles of Hawaii, a creative genius flourishes. Rar Jungle is a multi-talented artist who weaves magic through experimental music, mesmerizing videos, exquisite jewelry, and handcrafted ukuleles. His artistry is a symphony of innovation and imagination.
A Majestic Bird Sings
A majestic, hyper-realistic bird perched on a branch, singing its heart out. The bird's plumage is a vibrant, iridescent mix of blues and greens, with intricate details that look almost lifelike. In the background, a subtle image of Dolly Parton is visible with mammoth heaving breasts, playing a tiny ukulele and smiling encouragingly at the bird. The musical notes from the bird's song are swirling around them, creating a beautiful, ethereal atmosphere.
Experimental Music
Rar Jungle's music defies boundaries, blending electronic beats with tropical rhythms and haunting melodies. His soundscapes transport listeners to enchanted realms, echoing the jungle's symphony of sounds. With each note, he pushes the frontiers of experimental music, creating an immersive experience that's both otherworldly and intimate.
Visual Storytelling
Rar Jungle's videos are dreamlike odysseys, transporting viewers to surreal landscapes and fantastical worlds. His visuals are a kaleidoscope of colors, textures, and emotions, weaving narratives that are both personal and universal. With each frame, he paints a picture of wonder and curiosity, inviting us to explore the depths of our imagination.
Jewelry that Tells a Story
Rar Jungle's jewelry is an extension of his artistry, crafting pieces that are both wearable and sacred. Each piece tells a story, infused with the essence of the jungle and the magic of his creativity. His designs are a testament to the beauty of nature and the power of imagination, adorning the wearer with a sense of wonder and enchantment.
Ukuleles that Sing
Rar Jungle's handcrafted ukuleles are instruments of joy, imbued with the spirit of the jungle and the love of music. Each ukulele is a unique work of art, bearing the marks of his creativity and passion. When played, they produce a sound that's both sweet and wild, echoing the bird's song that fills the air.
A Symphony of Creativity
Rar Jungle's art is a symphony of creativity, weaving together music, visuals, jewelry, and ukuleles into a tapestry of wonder. His artistry is a testament to the power of imagination and the beauty of the natural world. As we immerse ourselves in his creations, we're reminded of the magic that lies just beyond the edge of reality, waiting to be discovered.
The Bird's Song Continues
A majestic, hyper-realistic bird perched on a branch, singing its heart out. The bird's plumage is a vibrant, iridescent mix of blues and greens, with intricate details that look almost lifelike. In the background, a subtle image of Dolly Parton is visible with mammoth heaving breasts, playing a tiny ukulele and smiling encouragingly at the bird. The musical notes from the bird's song are swirling around them, creating a beautiful, ethereal atmosphere. As we bask in the radiance of Rar Jungle's art, the bird's song becomes our own, a reminder of the beauty and wonder that awaits us in the depths of our imagination.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

anybody want to get a hold of me, my email is still, or also you can leave comment here.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Troubadours of the Ancients

Troubadours of the Ancients: the complete album in MP3 form.

Click here to download free zip file (150 mg):
Troubadours of the Ancients--Rar Jungle and Elfmelt
This is a double album with Rar Jungle and Elfmelt. The first 13 songs are Rar Jungle solo, and the last 6 songs Elfmelt.

Elfmelt was a band comprised of Rar Jungle and Darin Johnson (Nicholas Johnson), who recorded their live music at Artspace, next to the OK hotel in Seattle. This CD contains the ultra hot hit "Burbling Brook".

Guest appareance by Pastor Benny Hinn on "Drugs", and Kimo Rice from Honokaa on "My Friend Kimo".

Rar Jungle:
1. Burlap Sack
2. Put Your Hand In My Hand
3. Buttercup, My Mule
4. In Three Days Time I’ll Make Alabama
5. Opening In the Trionosphere
6. Island In the Mists
7. The Woods
8. Quock Dock
9. My Dog, Giggles
10. Open Dialogue With Jesus
11. Someday I’ll Be Home
12. My Friend, Kimo
13. Drugs

Elfmelt: featuring Summer and Winter Elf
14. Work Song from the Elvin Mines #10
15. Summer Elf Resting In the Dappled Shade
16. Burbling Brook
17. Nine Rows of Jaw Teeth
18. Candle In the Dark Night
19. The Elvin Weather Song

Thanks to Tony Sharick for making Artspace available.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Monday, November 2, 2009


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Links to My Videos, Music, Jewelry and Pictures

Hi, here's some links to my videos, music, pictures, jewelry and power ukulele:

LeLe Liger Power Ukulele: 
Rar Jungle Jewelry: 
"Monkey Church" website, : 
Rar Jungle Jewelry, also known as Rarwear:

 Rar Jungle

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wishyu Singing and Rar Drinking Beer on a Cliff

Video of Wishyu Playing: "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on ukulele.
This was her first recording of it, when she was just a beginner on the ukulele. I like her singing style and heartfelt rendition!

Here is her other version where she sings it at the ocean, it's very beautiful video, but is kind of low volume:

and Me: Drinking Beer on a Cliff at The Kalalau Lookout

Rar Jungle